How to Get Dog to Stop Chewing Shoes

How to Get Dog to Stop Chewing Shoes

How to Get Dog to Stop Chewing Shoes – Every morning, I wake up to the same sight: my beloved shoes in disarray, gnawed on by the cute yet mischievous little one – my pet dog, Max. While I often chuckle at his enthusiastic playfulness, his habit of wreaking havoc on my footwear has become increasingly bothersome. I realize that I need to find a solution to address Max’s chewing behavior before it escalates into a bigger issue. With determination to tackle this problem, I begin my quest to discover effective ways to stop Max from chewing on my shoes.

At first, I try various methods commonly practiced by dog owners. I attempt to scold Max whenever he chews on my shoes, but it seems to only fuel his excitement. Then, I try hiding my shoes in hard-to-reach places, but to no avail as Max cunningly always finds a way to locate and chew on them.

Understanding the Reasons Behind Dog Chewing Behavior

After experiencing failures with the approaches I’ve tried, I realize that the first step I need to take is to understand why Max engages in the chewing behavior. I do some online research and consult with an animal behavior expert. It turns out there are several common reasons behind dog chewing behavior.

Firstly, I realize that chewing is a natural way for dogs to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Dogs have an innate instinct to chew as part of their physiological needs. Additionally, chewing behavior can also serve as a way for dogs to alleviate stress, boredom, or anxiety. Considering Max is an energetic dog often left alone at home, I begin to understand that his chewing behavior might be a way to cope with boredom or anxiety he experiences when I’m not around.

Providing Suitable Alternatives for Chewing

After understanding the reasons behind Max’s chewing behavior, the next step I take is to provide suitable alternatives for Max to chew on. I decide to search for replacement toys that are appropriate for him, ones that not only divert his attention from my shoes but also fulfill his natural need to chew.

I try several types of replacement toys, ranging from rubber chew toys to synthetic bones, but Max doesn’t seem too interested in them. Finally, after some trial and error, I find that toys made of nylon or hard rubber are the right choice for him. These toys are sturdy and durable, making them suitable for strong chewers like Max. Additionally, I also make sure to provide a variety of toys to prevent Max from getting bored with just one type.

Aside from providing replacement toys, I also make sure to allocate extra time and attention to Max every day. I realize that boredom and lack of mental stimulation can also be contributing factors to chewing behavior. So, I start spending more time playing and interacting with Max, as well as introducing mentally stimulating activities, such as playing hide and seek with treats or giving him food puzzles hidden inside interactive toys.

Consistency in Training and Supervision

After providing suitable alternatives for chewing and increasing interaction with Max, the next step is consistency in training and supervision. I realize that consistency is crucial in changing dog behavior, including stopping unwanted habits like chewing on shoes.

I start training Max using positive reinforcement methods, which involve praising and rewarding him every time he uses the replacement toy to chew, while redirecting his destructive behavior towards the toy. I also practice simple exercises like giving him the “leave it” command when he attempts to chew on shoes and praising him when he follows the command.

See Also:  How to Stop a Puppy from Chewing on Everything

Not only that, I also make sure to always supervise Max when I’m at home. I keep my shoes in hard-to-reach places or locked cabinets. I also arrange the environment to minimize frustration and boredom for Max, such as providing access to a safe play area and providing a comfortable bed.

With consistency in training and supervision, as well as providing suitable alternatives for chewing, I begin to see changes in Max’s behavior. He becomes more inclined to use the replacement toys rather than chewing on my shoes, and instances of destructive behavior significantly decrease. However, I realize that these training and supervision efforts need to be consistently maintained to ensure that the unwanted chewing behavior doesn’t resurface.

Introducing Brain Training for Dogs as a Holistic Solution

Although I see positive changes in Max’s behavior after implementing the aforementioned steps, I still feel there’s potential to further enhance his quality of life. That’s why I start looking for a holistic solution that can help Max not only address his chewing habit but also develop his intelligence overall.

After doing further research, I come across an intriguing program called Brain Training for Dogs. This program is specifically designed to help dog owners develop their dogs’ cognitive and emotional skills through mentally challenging exercises.

I decide to try this program with Max, and I’m highly impressed with the results. The exercises provided in Brain Training for Dogs not only offer excellent mental stimulation for Max but also help us build a stronger bond and reinforce basic dog training skills like obedience and focus.

One thing I appreciate about this program is its flexibility. I can tailor the exercises to match Max’s readiness and interests, allowing us to learn at a comfortable pace for both of us. Additionally, the program also offers incredible community support, where I can share experiences and learn from other dog owners who are also using Brain Training for Dogs.

After a few weeks of participating in the Brain Training for Dogs program, I notice significant changes in Max’s behavior and well-being. He becomes more focused, calmer, and more connected with me as his owner. Moreover, the activities in this program also help maintain his mental and emotional cleanliness, making him a happier and more balanced dog overall.

With the positive experience I’ve had with Brain Training for Dogs, I’m confident that this program can be an effective holistic solution for many dog owners facing behavioral issues. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to help their dog reach their full potential and build a deeper and more meaningful relationship with them.

If you’re interested in trying Brain Training for Dogs and giving your dog the chance to grow and thrive to the fullest, I strongly encourage you to visit their official website at There, you’ll find more information about the program, including testimonials from other dog owners who have experienced its benefits, as well as step-by-step guides to get started. Don’t hesitate to take the first step toward a better relationship with your dog – Brain Training for Dogs is ready to assist you on this journey.
